Like many town centre’s around the country, the High Street shops in Amble, Northumberland, face harder times with the increasing popularity of internet shopping. Their continued existence and input to the local economy relies upon customers being able to easily access the shops and services. The responsibility to support these local business in providing adequate, clearly demarcated car parking bays falls to the highways planning department within Northumberland County Council.
Faced with the requirement of marking out on street parking bays whilst preserving the historic aesthetics of the town, the Northumberland Highways team turned to Quicksetts to provide a cost effective, artistic solution.
Placed at 500mm intervals along the road, the low profile rectangle Quicksetts were adhered directly on to the asphalt surface. The 200mm x 100mm Quicksetts not only are far-and-away more visually appealing compared with the thermoplastic white lining alternative, but at just over 7mm overall profile height, they also offer drivers a tactile assistance when parking helping to ensure drivers park within the designated bays.
“Wow – Don’t they look good!” stated Northumberland County Council’s Site Supervisor who went on to say “My crews enjoy laying the Quicksetts. It takes them very little time to apply which means minimal disruption ensuring we receive positive comments from all the interested parties. Laying them in this staggered format is cheaper and even quicker.”