Located in the shadow of Bamburgh Castle, one of Northumberland’s most iconic buildings, the pictureseque village of Bamburgh suffers from the usual visual blight of modern day traffic management. Keen to minimise this impact upon the village, Northumberland County Council has carried out a number of improvements including reducing street clutter by removing over 50 signs and replacing parking and vehicle access demarcation lines with a new granite sett system that complements the historic setting.
The council wanted to define and edge out three parking bays and the vehicle access way at the front of the Wyndenwell in the centre of the village. It was determined that the use of yellow or white demarcation lines was not really in keeping with the village’s street scene.
Although the use of granite setts would complement the historic, the council was concerned that the installation of traditional granite setts would mean lengthy road closures resulting in significant traffic disruption for residents, visitors and local businesses. The solution was the installation of Quicksetts.
Conceived by Quicksetts and manufactured by licensed manufacturer and Road Surface Treatments Association (RSTA) member Jobling Purser, Quicksetts look just like traditional granite setts but their installation is fast and efficient. Quicksetts are simply adhered to any existing sound asphalt or concrete surface.
They are designed to be a one-day solution which significantly reduces inconvenience to road users and local businesses.
Paul McKenna, senior transport project engineer of Northumberland County Council said “For a small village reliant on the tourist industry, lengthy road closures for highway works are a major concern. We wanted parking zones that were visually obvious but that did not adversely affect the local historic setting. We also wanted a system that could be installed quickly and cost efficient. This tall order was met by using Quicksetts which were installed in a matter of hours.”
The Quicksetts are moulded blocks that incorporate granite, and where appropriate, bauxite chippings which offer a higher level of skid resistance than the normal granite would alone. The blocks are set into high-strength resin. Hand-applied, there is no need for heavy equipment or any excavation. Their resemblance to traditional granite setts, but without the fuss, fully supports the English Heritage principles of good practice for street design that includes relating ground surfaces to the local context by keeping paving simple and avoiding discordant colours.
The success of the scheme has been underlined by the positive feedback received from the local parish council which has reported that other local traders have requested similar treatment for parking outside their premises.
“This initial Quicksetts scheme was undertaken as a trial with a view to rolling it out in other areas of the village,” adds McKenna. “The success of the scheme in terms of its fast installation, its complementary appearance and the positive feedback from the local parish council and businesses means that we will be considering using Quicksetts for other historic locations.”