Quicksetts™ from Jobling Purser are the modern day, ideal alternative to traditional granite setts.
The main advantages of Quicksetts™ being:
- Quick to apply
- Quick to open to traffic
The primary benefit of Quicksetts™ is their speed of application compared with traditional methods. Less disruption to traffic – less disruption to local businesses – less disruption full stop!
- Quicksetts™ are designed to withstand modern day trafficking and flex with movement in the substrate.
- Quicksetts™ are aesthetically pleasing and fit with a variety of different applications.
- Quicksetts™ are surface mounted onto bituminous or concrete surfaces – No excavation required.
- Quicksetts™ reduce inconvenience to road users, with most sections being possible to complete and open to traffic in under a day.
- Quicksetts™ accurately replicate the look of granite setts with a wide variety of shapes available.
- Quicksetts™ are lightweight and easy to handle.
- Quicksetts™ are hand applied and have no requirement for heavy or purpose built installation equipment.
- Quicksetts™ can be easily re-instated in the event of utility trench works being required.